Friday, July 10, 2009

speech in one week`s time!

oh gosh! i have to giv a speech about y thoughts of Hiroshima in one week`s time! gyaaahhh!! memorising it should be ok..but giving the speech in front of 100+ people is wat`s bothering me..@_@ phew~guess going on an exchange programme doesn`t involve going abroad only.
i have a make a power point too..walao eh..duno wat pics to put and wat to write. nvm`s almost done anyway..jus hope it turns out well. >_<

having a busy week next week. going to Gion festivel-vry famous festival in kyoto, and my schol is having test. and then on friday we`re going to visit kyoto gakuen university. phew~busy busy busy. not to mention badminton practice somemore.
but good news 3 weeks time we`ll be having SUMMER VACATION! one whole month off school. *sweet* have so many plans already laid out for summer vacation. going to climb mount Fuji, AFS summer camp, badminton camp in school, school`s international course camp. V^_^V all camp camp camp la..but i bet it`ll be fun! looking forward to it.

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